The following records are being requested from the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. (1.) All electronic mail and attachments the Iowa Public Information Board has sent or received from domain or related to the Iowa Department of Public Safety between 01 JUN 2023 and 12 AUG 2024. (2.) […]

1. Open Records Request The following records are being requested from the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. I respectfully request that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley provide evidence to the people of the State of Iowa, including public records requests or other correspondence related to historical […]

1. Open Records Request The following records are being requested from the office of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. An official copy of the following press release signed by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds that evidence indicates manifests a historically inaccurate and theologically flawed representation of the annual celestial events […]

In life, what pushes me through are my faith in God and my dreams of you, which warm my heart as I work to build something new. I will never stop loving you and praying for the moment I can look into your beautiful eyes and feel the first thing in my life that felt […]

Mr. Platz: Attached, you will find a completed records request with Iowa State University.  Iowa State University searched for approximately 327 domains for a fee of $90 in 2022, encompassing all Iowa Public School Districts in the user account for Sara N. Merritt. Evidence shows Sara N. Merritt concealed two children in Ames, IA, in […]