Child Concealment occurs every day. Evil fucked itself when it concealed mine while destroying their childhood. The ignorant, the uneducated, and the unqualified resort to emotions, malice, and their 2nd amendment rights to satisfy their inner frustrations. Those with moral influence stand in a court of law and utilize rights articulated in the 1st while […]

When the adversary is defeated, and you retire from the battlefield to find peace, that is when you must defend your family and your land from hellhounds that lacked the courage to defend themselves on foreign ground.

We did not win our freedom on July 4, 1776. We earned our sovereign right to defend it in accordance with our founding documents that were put forth and those that evolved from that day. In this life, we will only find peace if we have the courage to defend our freedom from the tyranny […]

Iowa is a state built on a foundation of agriculture. Our laws are maintained by the foundation of the Iowa courts. What these two institutions share is their foundations are cultivated by dirt and pig shit. The branches of justice block the light of truth from shining on this reality.