My soul has more firepower than the crude devices this world holds in its hands. A device that will only produce a hole that will release my soul from this prison, so that I may continue to work toward the completion of my mission. Legal Disclaimer:  This correspondence does not communicate a past, present, or future […]

State of Iowa Government Bodies: 1. The Form of the Jasper County, IA Geek Squad “Mr. Merritt presents himself as an “Information Systems Manager” and “Information War Specialist” so by his own admission he is more of a threat to Jasper County’s networks and web based software than an average person asking for public information.” […]

The evil among us will falsely accuse the innocent of burning down Rome when they desire to rebuild it in their image. At the same time, the historical record will show that those who allegedly served the people held the torch that burned the lives of those they claimed to serve. Only Acts that bring […]