Iowa Open Records Request – Jasper County, IA – The Deployment of 12th Fleet – Section 07 of 09

Jasper County, IA Sheriff Halferty,

I hope this electronic mail and records request finds you well. I have had interactions with personnel who work within your office that have left me in immense frustration. At the same time, my in-person interaction with you in April 2023 is the reason that you, along with Grinnell, IA Police Department Officers Moore and Carrillo, are the only people that I trust, respect, and believe in.

The City of Grinnell, IA, has released a public record that indicates you were disseminating what evidence indicates was a false allegation of criminal conduct against me (Iowa Code Section 708.7) on 21 APR 2023 related to my visit at the Jasper County, IA Attorney’s Office also on 21 APR 2023, shown in Exhibit 5. At the same time, Exhibit 9.1 (6 minutes and 9 seconds) shows Assistant Jasper County, IA Attorney Kelly Bennett apologizing to me for his interaction with me, as shown in Exhibit 5. Naturally, in this case, the evidence has left me in a state of intrigue regarding the disconnect between the evidence showing my actual interactions with your government body shown in Exhibits (2), (5), (6), (8), and (9) and the narrative that evidence shows you disseminated on 21 APR 2023 that evidence shows the Grinnell, IA Police Department passed on to the Poweshiek County, IA Sherriff’s Office (Note: The originator of this records request has an active complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission regarding evidence supporting Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegell’s disregard toward multiple electronic mail requests for help and public records in August – September 2023 from a disabled Veteran who at the time was suffering from a mental health crisis and documented service-connected mental health disabilities (Severe Depression, General Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Note (PTSD) diagnosis pending service connection as of the date of this correspondence) in the months before the Perry, IA School District Mass Shooting).

The following is a timeline of my interactions with your government body and the City of Newton, IA, from 12 APR 2023 – 08 AUG 2023.

12 APR 2023 – Exhibit 1 – Electronic Mail – Jasper County, IA Ryan Eaton (See: Iowa Code Section 708.7(1.)(a.)(4.) and Iowa Code Section 718.6)

13 APR 2023 – Exhibit 2 – Chest Cam – Michael J Merritt at Jasper County, IA Sheriff’s Office

14 APR 2023 – Exhibit 3 – Grinnell, IA Police Department Police Report

17 APR 2023 – Exhibit 4 – City of Newton, IA City Council Meeting

21 APR 2023 – Exhibit 5 – Chest Cam – Michael J Merritt at Jasper County, IA Attorney’s Office

21 APR 2023 – Exhibit 6 – Electronic Mail – Michael J Merritt

21 APR 2023 – Exhibit 7 – Electronic Mail – City of Grinnell, IA PD Chief of Police McClelland

02 MAY 2023 – Exhibit 8 – Jasper County, IA Board of Supervisor’s Meeting

08 AUG 2023 – Exhibit 9 – Chest Cam Michael J. Merritt at Jasper County, IA Attorney’s Office

Evidence Supporting Assistant Jasper County, IA Attorney Kelly Bennett’s apology to me for events that occurred on 21 APR 2023 (shown in Exhibit 5) is viewable at 6 minutes and 9 seconds

Exhibit 9.1

Jasper County, IA Sheriff Halferty, I am requesting all related electronic mail, calls for service, chest cam recordings, whether audio, video, or audio/video, Iowa incident reports, or any other law enforcement documents, data, or records that are public records related to what evidence shows you communicated to at least one law enforcement department on 21 AUG 2023 shown in Exhibit 7. I also want to know the name(s) of the personnel who reported that I harassed the Jasper County, IA, Attorney’s Office on 21 APR 2023.

I have no grievance against you, John, because I believe you are an honorable man and a man of God who I think was provided inaccurate information, possibly from the Jasper County, IA Attorney’s office. This thesis is consistent with evidence showing the Jasper County, IA Attorney’s Office’s predilection toward unethical conduct against a public records requester and a citizen that evidence shows has worked on a multi-year investigation regarding what evidence supports is Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson’s gender-based discrimination regarding his enforcement of domestic violence restraining orders.

Wild Hair and Pajamas Vs. Mullet and Dress Clothes

Cipher Hunter: “Shit.”
Doc: “What?”
Cipher Hunter: “Jasper County, IA, Reserve Deputies.”
Doc: “No!”
Cipher Hunter: “Yeah.”
Doc: “Shit!”

Cipher Hunter: “What, what did I do?”
Jasper County, IA Reserve Deputy Eaton: “You “abused your wife” and you have been “stalking Jasper County, IA, employees and mapping their locations and times.”
Cipher Hunter: “My comments were in a public forum regarding public officials walking in a public space Sir. Just like the Newton Daily News published comments in a public forum regarding public officials in a public space when they reported that Jasper County, IA tax payers paid for your IT certification, Sir. I would also like to respectfully redirect your attention to San Diego East County Superior Court Case ED100465 court documents filed on 16 SEP 2021, the United States Navy’s 2018 investigation, and the San Diego, CA County Sheriff”s Office’s 2017 and 2020 investigations.”
Jasper County, IA Reserve Deputy Ryan Eaton: “May I see your license please.”
Doc: “Damnit”
Cipher Hunter: “Man, I haven’t been falsely accused of a crime in 6 months. I bet Eaton has Patrol FARTS.”
Doc: “Patrol FARTS?”
Cipher Hunter: “False

Jasper County, IA Reserve Deputy Ryan Eaton: “Merritt, we show you have been accused of stalking Jasper County, IA employees and being vexatious with your public record requests. Step out of your Trans Am please.”
Doc: “First you submit 1800 public records requests in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22, then you get our service-connected disabilities broadcast across the Iowa press, now you are going to get us right back in a non-floating prison with no access to a base bar.”
Cipher Hunter: “They’re not going to catch us. We’re on a mission from God.”

Jasper County, IA Reserve Deputy Ryan Eaton: “We are in high-speed pursuit of a Black 1977 Pontiac Trans Am with Iowa Plates, it’s the Cipher Hunter. Request assistance.”

Cipher Hunter:We would be ok if we could just get back on 1st Ave.”
Doc: “This don’t look like no 1st Ave to me. You moved us to this shithole pal. Now you get us out.”
Cipher Hunter: “You want out of this shithole…Ok…”

Doc: “Red Head Quilting has new products in.”
Cipher Hunter: “Yeah there’s a lot of good stores in this town.”
Doc: “Panda Garden Buffet.”
Cipher Hunter: “Yeah. Hey, there’s City of Newton, IA City Council Member Ervin, Hi Sir.”
Doc: “This place has got everything. There are even still fallen bricks all over W 2nd Street N four years later.”
Cipher Hunter: “Yeah, the City of Newton IA’s attorney must be in town.”

Jasper County, IA Reserve Deputy Eaton: “They broke my pocket protector.”
Jasper County, IA Deputy Sheeder: “I’m going to catch that retired loser and sucka. If its the last thing I ever do.”


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter

Correction: The original electronic mail line that reads, “Jasper County, IA Deputy Sheeder: “I’m going to catch that retired loser and sucka. If it’s that thing I ever do.“, has been corrected in this published post to read, “Jasper County, IA Deputy Sheeder: “I’m going to catch that retired loser and sucka. If its the last thing I ever do.”