Consolidated Trouble Tickets: Cloudiance – 502916 – Kamatera – 34017385 – Xmission – 398182 – Deployment of 12th Fleet – Section 04 of 09

The Form of the “Show Me” Battleship

The following correspondence is an inter-commercial information systems provider ticket response, including public records that are lawfully being disseminated in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.2. Government bodies and press points of contact are included in this correspondence for situational awareness. The originator of this correspondence has no grievance with any providers addressed in this correspondence and would like to communicate immense gratitude for the assistance provided in this freedom of information research project.

1. Information Systems Provider Trouble Tickets

Cloudiance – Ticket – 502916 – Attention – Steven Tingey, Support Specialist
Kamatera – Ticket – 34017385 – Attention – Oren Einstein, Account Manager Executive
Xmission – Ticket – 398182 – Attention – Adam, XMission Tech Lead

2. Introduction

On 18 January 2024, the City of Marshalltown, IA, reported in response to a record request submitted in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.) that it would cost $397,440 to search the City of Marshalltown, IA’s, mail server, (which evidence and public records indicates utilizes Zimbra 9) for six electronic mail search terms.

3. Response to Cloudiance – Ticket – 502916 – Attention – Steven Tingey, Support Specialist – Quote Request

“Only the commercial version, although we do help businesses to transition from the open source to the commercial version. Thank you for asking!”

Cloudiance – Ticket – 502916


I greatly appreciate your response. The City of Marshalltown, IA, and BDH Technology (See attached public records) have indicated that it would cost approximately $397,440 to search a mail server utilizing what evidence indicates is a version of Zimbra that Cloudiance has licensed to the City of Marshalltown, IA. The City of Marshalltown, IA, has reported 184 accounts on the city mail server. I am requesting a quote for the same version of Zimbra that the evidence indicates Cloudiance has licensed to the City of Marshalltown, IA. I also want to know if this Zimbra version can complete cross-mailbox keyword searches. You have stated that Cloudiance does not provide service/support for the open-source version of Zimbra. Hence, as the evidence indicates, I want to confirm my speculation that the City of Marshalltown, IA, is utilizing a commercial version of Zimbra with the Zimbra Archiving and Discovery Tool installed, which provides Zimbra the capability to perform cross-mailbox key term searches.

The City of Marshalltown, IA, and BDH Technology have reported a mathematical equation for alleged costs to search for mail server records that, based on my experience and research, completely defies logic and reasonable intelligence. I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

4. Response to Kamatera – Ticket – 34017385 – Attention – Oren Einstein, Account Manager Executive – Quote Request

“Yes, you can accomplish cross-mailbox keyword searches on Zimbra 9.0, and these searches will cover all historical emails stored on the server at once, not just individual months.”

Kamatera – Ticket – 34017385


I greatly appreciate your response. Below are the parameters I am requesting for this service. I want to build a Zimbra 9.0 test platform at for public records research in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. The City of Marshalltown, IA, and BDH Technology (See attached public records) have indicated that it would cost approximately $397,440 to search a mail server utilizing Zimbra for six search terms across 184 accounts.

Requested Service Parameters for Service Quote:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Zimbra Software: Zimbra 9.0.0_GA_4583 (ZimbraWebClient – GC120 (Win)/9.0.0_GA_4583)

CPU: 64-bit x86 processor (Minimum of 2 cores)

RAM: 8 GB of RAM

Disk Space: 60GB

5. Response to Xmission – Ticket – 398182 – Attention – Adam, XMission Tech Lead – Quote Request


I greatly appreciate your response. Below are the parameters I am requesting for this service. I want to build a Zimbra 9.0 test platform at for public records research in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22. The City of Marshalltown, IA, and BDH Technology (See attached public records) have indicated that it would cost approximately $397,440 to search a mail server utilizing Zimbra for six search terms across 184 accounts.

Requested Service Parameters for Service Quote:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Zimbra Software: Zimbra 9.0.0_GA_4583 (ZimbraWebClient – GC120 (Win)/9.0.0_GA_4583)

CPU: 64-bit x86 processor (Minimum of 2 cores)

RAM: 8 GB of RAM

Disk Space: 60GB

6. Supporting Evidence

(a.) The City of Marshalltown, IA MX DNS Records (BDH Technology) –

(b.) Evidence Supporting the City of Marshalltown, IA’s Use of Zimbra – Electronic Mail – City of Marshalltown IA – Clerk Hunter – 18 JAN 2024/Electronic Mail – City of Marshalltown IA – Chief of Police Tupper – 11 JUL 2022

(c.) Affidavit – City of Marshalltown, IA Chief of Police Tupper – 16 AUG 2022/Declaration – City of Marshalltown IA – Response to Complaint – 22FC-0025

(d.) City of Marshalltown, IA – Response to Iowa Open Records Request – 7906647f-c4be-4e8d87a9-c8427df26d3a – 19 AUG 2024

1. BDH Invoice for August 2022.pdf 72.28 KB
1. BDH Invoice for January 2024.pdf 44.96 KB
2. Cloudiance (Zimbra) Invoices.pdf 181.45 KB
4. BDH Cost Estimate 01.17.24.pdf 192.95 KB
3. BDH Cost Estimate 08.16.22.pdf 179.15 KB
6. Heart of Iowa – August 2022_Redacted.pdf 193.22 KB
6. Heart of Iowa – January 2024_Redacted.pdf 185.78 KB
7. BDH IT Services Contract.pdf 177.56 KB
8. Organizational Chart 06.12.24.pdf 544.83 KB

7. Evidence Supporting the Existence of the Iowa Public Information Board Rubber Stamp

Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board – Employee Unidentified – 26 MAR 2023

8. The Form of the Post Cold War/9-11 Era United States Navy Spook

End of Line

This Page Is Intentionally Left Blank

“Most CT personnel are required to obtain and maintain security clearances. Due to the highly classified and secure work environment requiring very restricted access, it is not always possible to share resources with other commands, leading to their shipboard nickname, “spooks“. Almost every detail surrounding the CT world from administration to operations to repair requires dedicated technicians with appropriate security clearances (this accounts for the many branches of the CT rating, i.e. CTI, CTM, CTN, CTO, CTR, CTT). The contribution of an individual CT will depend upon the branch or career area.”

Wikipedia Contributors. “Cryptologic Technician.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 June 2024,,and%20signal%20intelligence%20related%20products.&Most%20CT%20personnel%20are%20required,shipboard%20nickname%2C%20%22spooks%22. Accessed 13 Aug. 2024.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter