The Form Of First Blood And The Razor The Unethical Within Iowa’s Law Enforcement Hold To The Throats Of This Nation’s Disabled Veterans

The State of Iowa:

I have included my lease to assist the unethical within the State of Iowa with the execution of the evidence supporting their malicious acts so they have a legal document showing where I live in the event they desire to continue their campaign of malicious behavior towards me that evidence shows have included:

Note: Iowa Public Information Board and other State of Iowa public testimony regarding evidence of service-connected mental health disability discrimination is located at the following references.

1.   Kauffman, Clark. “Persistent Newton Requester Inspires Proposal That Could Limit Iowa Public Records Access.” The Des Moines Register, Iowa Capital Dispatch, 25 Sept. 2023,
2.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,
3.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 22. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 23 Sept. 2023,

At the same time, the evidence, in this case, shows a state-wide campaign within many State of Iowa government bodies to conceal the truth regarding the evidence that shows the State of Iowa’s failure to stop malicious and unlawful behavior that occurred from 2016 – 2022 (as supported by US Navy correspondence, State of California public records, and State of Iowa public records) related to the violation of an interstate domestic abuse restraining order (evidence shows the City of Newton, IA Police Department and Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson took zero adequate or appropriate action) and the concealment of children across three states from San Diego East County Superior Court court-ordered appearances (by an employee of a State of Iowa tax funded public body – Iowa State University/Sara N. Merritt) that I believe meet the definition of no contact sexual abuse as defined by the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs definition for military sexual trauma (MST).

“• Being pressured into sexual activities (such as with threats of negative treatment if you refuse to cooperate or promises of better treatment in exchange for sex) 

• Sexual contact or activities without your consent, including when you were asleep or intoxicated 

• Being overpowered or physically forces[sic] to have sex 

• Being touched or grabbed in a sexual way that made you uncomfortable, including during hazing experiences  

• Comments about your body or sexual activities that you found threatening  

• Unwanted sexual advances that you found threatening”

State of Iowa government body officials that evidence shows were involved in this negligence and failure to enforce the Iowa Code or the unethical acts that were deployed to cover up and conceal evidence showing these historical events while oppressing, attacking, and destroying the life of the citizen requesting public records documenting these events:

(1.) Evidence supporting a failure to appropriately respond to a lawful request for public records related to domestic abuse and the State of Iowa’s alleged criminalization of service-connected mental health disabilities.

(2.) Evidence supporting the deployment of false allegation(s) of criminal conduct supported by zero evidence against a citizen lawfully requesting public records directly or indirectly related to historical domestic abuse.

(3.) Evidence supporting political corruption during the 2022 election year to date related to evidence of constitutional and civil rights violations related to silencing, abridging, and maliciously attacking, and criminalizing the flow of free speech of a citizen and honorably retired Veteran of the United States Navy in a public forum related to Jasper County, IA’s historical handling of domestic abuse and other historical sexual based attacks that were ongoing from 2016 – 2021 while the originator of this correspondence lived within Jasper County, IA as documented in medical records referenced in the United States Department of Veterans Affairs 2024 disability determination for the originator of this correspondence.

(4.) Evidence supporting direct/indirect involvement in the dissemination of false allegations of alleged physical/sexual abuse against a public records requester.

The Form of Iowa Congressional Leadership’s Disregard Toward Citizen Redress of Grievances

The following table and link provides evidence supporting the elected leaders of the State of Iowa Senate who delete without reading electronic mail correspondence (redress of grievances/public sentiments – See:  1st Amendment to our nation’s Constitution) from citizens communicating testimony supported by evidence showing the State of Iowa’s failure to properly protect victims of domestic abuse, public records concealment, government body abuse towards citizens requesting public records related to domestic abuse, government body use of false allegations of criminal conduct against citizens requesting public records, government body corruption/fraud related to public records requests, historical sexual abuse, historical multi-year child concealment involving an employee of a tax-funded Iowa government body (Sara N. Merritt/Iowa State University), Iowa government body discrimination against citizens with service-connected mental health disabilities requesting public records, unequal enforcement of our laws, and correspondence including evidence showing other Iowa government body negligence and abuse.  The originator of this correspondence will be publishing a database showing all correspondence that has been sent to the Iowa Senate regarding these historical events.

  • Honorable David Rowley – District 5 – Republican
  • Honorable Jason Schultz – District – 6 – Republican
  • Honorable Kevin Alons – District – 7 – Republican
  • Honorable Tom Shipley – District – 9 – Republican
  • Honorable Cherielynn Westrich – District – 13 – Republican
  • Honorable Tony Bisignano – District – 15 – Democrat
  • Honorable Claire Celsi – District – 16 – Democrat
  • Honorable Izaah Knox – District – 17 – Democrat
  • Honorable Janet Petersen – District – 18 – Democrat
  • Honorable Ken Rozenboom – District – 19 – Republican
  • Honorable Mike Bousselot – District – 21 – Republican
  • Honorable Brad Zaun – District – 22 – Republican
  • Honorable Annette Sweeney – District – 27 – Republican
  • Honorable Dennis Guth – District – 28 – Republican
  • Honorable Sandy Salmon – District – 29 – Republican
  • Honorable William Dotzler Jr. – District – 31 – Democrat
  • Honorable Mike Kilmesh – District – 32 – Republican
  • Honorable Carrie Koelker – District – 33 – Republican
  • Honorable Chris Cournoyer – District – 35 – Republican
  • Honorable Liz Bennett – District – 39 – Democrat
  • Honorable Todd Talyor – District – 40 – Democrat
  • Honorable Kerry Gruenhagen – District – 41 – Republican
  • Honorable Charlie McClintock – District – 42 – Republican
  • Honorable Adrian Dickey – District – 44 – Republican
  • Honorable Dawn Driscoll – District – 46 – Republican
  • Honorable Scott Webster – District – 47 – Republican
  • Honorable Mark Lofgren – District – 48 – Republican

Note:  The Honorable Annette Sweeney (R) is the elected leader of the Iowa Senate for Iowa District 27, where the originator of this correspondence lived at the time of sending referenced electronic mail.  The Honorable Ken Rozenboom (R) is the elected leader of the Iowa Senate for Iowa District 19, where the majority of evidence showing the State of Iowa’s use of false allegations of criminal conduct to threaten, intimidate, and oppress Iowa public record requesters requesting records in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 has occurred.

References:, 2024, Accessed 19 June 2024.

“State Elected Officials in Jasper County, Iowa.”, 2024, Accessed 19 June 2024.

The Form of the State of Iowa’s Failure to Adhere to Iowa Code Chapter 22

The following record requests were sent to Iowa government bodies during January 2024 and early February 2024 in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2) requesting public records related to the evidence showing the leadership of the Iowa Public Information Board’s public attacks, criminalization, and discrimination against service-connected mental health disabilities. Public records stored and preserved by Marshall County, IA, show internal inter-county communications coordinated by the leadership of the Iowa Public Information Board that evidence shows manifested the below abortion of Iowa Code Chapter 22 by the alleged leadership of the State of Iowa.

State of Iowa – State – Government Bodies

State of Iowa – County – Government Bodies

State of Iowa – Municipality – Government Bodies

State of Iowa – Public School Districts – Government Bodies

State of Iowa – Public Universities – Government Bodies

When considering the evidence showing the State of Iowa’s leadership’s predilection toward false allegations of criminal conduct, service-connected mental health disability discrimination, the evidence showing the majority of the Iowa Senate’s disregard for citizen communications, and other unethical and abusive acts as supported by the evidence in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s research showing the phycological profile of those who communicate false allegations of adult crimes the motive of these alleged public officials when considering the evidence, I believe is quite clear.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation articulates that the motives leading to the unethical use of false allegations of criminal conduct correlate to the following motives:

  • Mental illness/depression
  • Attention/sympathy
  • Financial/profit (Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley/IPIB – Deployed what evidence shows are false allegations of criminal conduct while seeking expanded political power from the Iowa Legislature that evidence shows violates Sections 9 and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa and the 5th Amendment to our nation’s constitution)
  • Alibi (Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson, Jasper County, IA Employee Ryan Eaton, City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick, City of Newton, IA Chief of Police Robert Burdess, Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley)
  • Revenge – The state of an individual’s mind is difficult to prove; however, any malicious attack against another could fulfill this paradigm in the eyes of a jury of our peers.

Reference: “False Allegations of Adult Crimes | FBI: Law Enforcement Bulletin.” FBI: Law Enforcement Bulletin, 2017, Accessed 18 June 2024.

I will be reaching out to the Secretaries of the United States and Iowa Departments of Veterans Affairs and communicating my request for a delay in the determination of my service connection for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and military sexual trauma (MST) until further notice to provide time for me to organize all of the evidence that I have and request additional records from the State of California and the United States Navy.  The United States Department of Veterans Affairs elevated my disability as it relates specifically to my mental health disabilities from 50% (2017) to 70% (2023) in a letter dated 01 MAY 2024.  I believe that this data, in conjunction with the evidence in my mental health records and public records that I have collected (as well as evidence supporting involved Iowa government bodies that evidence shows have refused to provide public records in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22), provides a reasonable conclusion that the evidence showing the unethical and malicious behavior manifested by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, some IDPS law enforcement partners, Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson, and Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley is not in line with our constitutional values and laws that led to my publicly documented service-connected mental health crisis that occurred during 2023 (documented by the Iowa Press in September 2023 and my United States Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Records) and the further decline of my health that has been ongoing since returning to the State of Iowa after retiring from the United States Navy in 2017.

After I complete my move into my Marshalltown, IA, apartment, I will be reaching out to Iowa Department of Public Safety Commissioner Stephan Bayens and the following Iowa Government Bodies to request legal counsel points of contact and public records regarding the evidence of their unethical conduct to serve court documents and subpoenas to Iowa government body employees who will testify in the Iowa Court regarding the evidence of their unethical and possibly unlawful conduct.  I intend to subpoena Iowa Department of Public Safety Commissioner Stephan Bayens and his entire executive leadership team so that the people of the State of Iowa can fully understand why his department has produced so much evidence of disregarding or failing to respond to a public records request that requested information related to what the Iowa Press documented in September 2023 and public records released by the Iowa Public Information Board indicates the Iowa Department of Public Safety was involved in correspondence with the Iowa Public Information Board coordinating an attempt to criminalize service-connected mental health disabilities and an attempt to unlawfully restrict access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations that were orchestrated by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley as supported by the evidence.

  • Iowa Department of Public Safety
  • Iowa Public Information Board
  • Iowa Civil Rights Commission (Evidence supporting a failure to manifest a proper civil rights investigation in accordance with Iowa Code Sections 216.5(2.) and 216.5(3.).
  • Iowa Government Bodies that have produced evidence of fraud related to excessive fees that evidence indicates are not consistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3.
  • Iowa Government Bodies that evidence shows are or were involved in the Iowa Public Information Board and Jasper County, IA’s dissemination and manifestation of false allegations of criminal conduct and prejudice against an honorably retired Veteran that has flushed more salt water in the Persian Gulf than these unethical leaders within the State of Iowa have consumed fresh water in their government body breakrooms.

My reason for getting my own apartment is that I have difficulty functioning in environments with others because of the trauma I have experienced for the last several years while living in the State of Iowa, as supported by the evidence.  I intend to isolate myself in a studio apartment while I develop a healthy habitual life process close to the Marshalltown VA Medical Center.  At the same time, I investigate and file court documents against Iowa government bodies that have produced evidence that the careers of those who administer these agencies have more value than the lives of those that evidence shows request public records possibly documenting how these government bodies unethical and possibly unlawful acts have impacted the lives and health of those they claim to serve. It is my passion to serve Jesus Christ and dismantle the evil I have experienced to protect others, which helps me get through public meetings.

I wear the simple clothes that have been ridiculed by the State of Iowa as “pajamas,” as documented by the Iowa Press, because they are all I have, as I have invested everything I have in this work.  At the same time, my spirituality motivates and inspires me to dress humbly before God.  Nearly every day of my life, I feel very sick from anxiety-based digestive issues that have only worsened while dealing with the evidence of the unethical and abusive behavior that is manifested by the leadership of the State of Iowa.  Before I moved to the City of Newton, IA, I used to go to Planet Fitness in Marshalltown, IA, every day and was very health-focused.  I intend to return to that in an environment where I can better focus on my healthcare through the Department of Veterans Affairs. At the same time, I perform damage control on the starship, which is my personal health.

I will not seek this world’s silver coins related to the pain and damage I carry within my soul that manifested from the evidence of these events within the State of Iowa since I retired.  I will be producing a template of leadership, honor, courage, and commitment that I will continue to manifest until I have lawfully and ethically dismantled the evil within the State of Iowa’s law enforcement and leadership that has destroyed my family and my life.  There is no way that I can communicate the multi-dimensional paralyzing pain within this correspondence that I feel during every moment of my life within my soul.  All I know is that I am going to fix the evidence of this State of Iowa government body misconduct and unethical behavior that evidence shows occurs within the State of Iowa in accordance with my faith in Jesus Christ and our laws.  I believe it is necessary for the honorable within the State of Iowa to step up and produce change that will protect the rights and liberties of others because I believe the evidence indicates the Iowa Legislature has its head lodged so far up its entitled and unethical MAGA ass that many of its elected members are unable to see the form of bigotry, incompetence, and constitutional bankruptcy they manifest.  At the same time, many of the State of Iowa’s leaders endorse a convicted criminal for President of the United States of America that is currently drowning in the evidence of his own lifelong misconduct and the evidence supporting his historical abusive behavior toward other citizens (specifically women).

The evidence showing the Iowa Legislature’s failure to produce a paradigm of transparency within the State of Iowa’s law enforcement and the evidence that shows that many within the Iowa Senate delete correspondence from citizens articulating evidence supporting these facts provides evidence that it does not care about the lives of those it tramples on.  How does the Iowa Republican-appointed leadership of the State of Iowa have any logical or moral right to claim that my public records requests are vexatious while denying me access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations without due process in accordance with our constitutional values?  At the same time, the elected leaders who appointed them, who belong to what evidence shows is a lost and disgraced political party, endorse and publicly support a convicted felon that video evidence shows motivated, inspired, and led a group of hostile citizens to mount an attack on the United States Capital in January 2021 because they did not agree with the sum of a properly administered election.  I considered myself a Conservative Republican during my entire life until I witnessed the evidence of this political party’s lies, bigotry, manipulation of people’s spiritual beliefs, and other hypocrisies of those who lead the State of Iowa and this nation to manifest and further an agenda that benefits their own life at the expense of others.  The Iowa Republican Party can lie to itself to ease its own conscience, but it should not expect me to allow myself to be impacted by the evidence of this political party’s corruption, bigotry, abuses of power, and desire to conceal law enforcement records that provide evidence of the unethical within the State of Iowa’s law enforcement after I served and defended the very ground this lost herd of elephant’s appears to be struggling as they attempt to trample through their own shit.

See: The Form of Motive – 23 JAN 2024

The Form of Ancestral Entitlement, MAGA Bigotry, And the Pursuit of What Was

In a nation whose agriculture and commerce were built on a foundation of slavery, when the evidence shows that some who benefitted from this paradigm seek to “Make America Great Again,” it is reasonable to speculate these acts are fueled by a desire to return this great nation to a paradigm in which the members of this movement profited from and were provided benefit over others.  At the same time, the evidence within our current social structure shows that our nation’s wealth and freedoms have only begun to be equally distributed among all people as a product of hard work and character instead of ancestral heritage. 

When considering the historical evidence of our nation’s use of slavery, mistreatment of citizens not of European decent, the 19th and early 20th century forced ethnic-based migrations of Native Americans to less desirable lands to make way for white settlers, the treatment of members of the LGBTQ community, historical closure of mental health hospitals during the 20th century and criminalization of mental health disabilities in recent years, and the current rhetoric surrounding our nation’s southern border that separates us from people of Spanish/Native American ancestry it is reasonable to believe that there are many within this nation’s Republican party who are hell-bent on manifesting their very own ChristianHeterosexualAnglo SaxonDisability Free, Fascist Shithole of future political refugees hiding in Argentina.

Suppose there are citizens who have become disgruntled because their lives no longer reflect what they once had.  It is possible that this paradigm has manifested because our nation is gradually moving from a paradigm that provides privilege and benefits for an ancestral few to a state that provides equal rights and liberties for all of God’s children in a world of increasing population and finite resources.  Life status should be based upon character, acts, and accomplishments, not ancestral heritage, entitlement, or other socially desirable protected classes.  Those currently struggling within our society may do so because our nation is gradually moving toward a paradigm where life status is based upon the sum of our accomplishments, character, and actions, not our ancestral heritage as it once was.  At the same time, our nation works to evolve and improve the manifestation of the promise documented within our founding constitutional documents while our society removes itself from a paradigm of providing benefits and privileges only to a specific demographic based upon ancestral heritage.

The Form of Faith and the Flight Through the Darkness of the Wilderness

Love and Hope are not alien to this world. When I closed my eyes during my life when I felt or thought that all was lost when I opened them, I witnessed the power and love of my God fill every hole and remove every obstacle in the path ahead.

The Form of the State of Iowa’s Deceit and the Flying Fish of the Northern Arabian Sea

Those who boldly serve the Truth and the Light in accordance with our laws while charging toward the Adversary on the battlefield will witness the deceit of the wicked bounce off their spiritual hull like flying fish of the Northern Arabian Sea.

The Form of the Pyrewolf and the Resurrection of Sheeder Prairie

My faith in this country is fueled by my belief and knowledge that the honorable within our country who will help me bring the unethical to justice in accordance with our laws reside over the next hill.  

I am a guardian angel committed to protecting the damaged, the wounded, and the least among us. The State of Iowa can arrest and detain my body that died in a VA Mental Health Unit Hospital Bed during the Spring of 2019 based on the sum of its lies upon finding the courage. Still, as protected by our founding documents, the State of Iowa will never detain my soul and commitment to the Truth and the Light and our founding citizens’ promise to all God’s children.

The Form and Flight of the Constitutional Phoenix

The United States Navy’s launching of naval aircraft from the flight decks of our nation’s aircraft carriers is a paradigm similar to the launch of an arrow of Truth and Light into the darkness that haunts the seas of tyranny of this world. I only know how to live while serving at the tip of the spear.

The Form of Generation X and the 1980’s Kids of Marshalltown, IA’s Spider Mountain

Iowa Department of Public Safety Commissioner Bayens:

I have followed all orders and laws for my entire life. I am not a vexatious citizen. I am the honorably retired United States Navy Veteran who is going to clean up the evidence of the State of Iowa’s law enforcement’s failure to provide proper transparency in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 and the evidence supporting the State of Iowa’s law enforcement’s deployment and use of false allegations of criminal conduct and other abusive acts against the innocent as I work to protect the integrity of the lives of the citizens I have served my entire adult life. I will be presenting evidence showing a state-wide plot of false allegations of criminal conduct, public records concealment, and misrepresentation involving the Jasper County, IA Attorney’s Office (Scott Nicholson), the Iowa Public Information Board (Executive Director Erika Eckley), and the Iowa Department of Public Safety (Commissioner Stephan Bayens) that evidence shows impacted and influenced the behavior of hundreds of Iowa government bodies throughout the State of Iowa’s responses to requests for public records regarding the alleged unethical conduct of the Iowa Public Information Board in what evidence shows was a state-wide campaign of service-connected mental health disabilities discrimination and criminalization orchestrated by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley as supported by the evidence that indicates the State of Iowa violated Iowa Code Chapter 216 and 42 U.S.C Chapter 126, Subchapter II—Public Services (Americans With Disabilities Act).

The only question that remains is whether you will devolve to the same false allegations of criminal conduct, as the evidence shows your peers (that the evidence indicates that you conceal evidence/public records for) and law enforcement partners have deployed that evidence shows desired to conceal public records showing their alleged negligence and other unethical conduct, or will you provide evidence that you can keep up with a 1980’s kid on a mountain bike in the Iowa Court upon the filing of court documents in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.10.

The Form of United States Navy Information Warfare

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Whatever possessed God in Heaven to make a man like Merritt.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “God didn’t make Merritt.  I made him.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Who the hell are you?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  The United States Navy Chief’s Mess”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Look we’re a little busy this morning Master Chief.  What can I do for you?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “I’ve come to get my boy.”

Iowa State Trooper:  “Your boy?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess: The US Navy recruited him, trained him, and commanded him during Operation Enduring Freedom and from 1997 – 2017.  I’d say that makes him mine.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “I wonder why the Pentagon would send a US Navy Master Chief down here to handle this.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “The Navy thought I might be able to help.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Well, I don’t know in what way, Merritt is a civilian now he’s my problem.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “I don’t think you understand I didn’t come here to rescue Merritt from you.  I came here to rescue you from an honorably retired US Navy Veteran focused on constitutional and civil rights who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder who talks to much and tells shitty jokes.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Well, we all appreciate your concern, Master Chief, and we’ll try to be extra careful.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “I’m just amazed he has only sent a little over 2500 public records requests.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Is that right?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “Strictly speaking, he slipped up.  You’re lucky you are not holding one of his public records requests right now.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “That’s just great.  Master Chief, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “You don’t seem to want to accept the fact that you are dealing with an expert in information warfare.  The man who’s the best with pocket protectors, keyboards, WIFI Routers, and telling shitty jokes while configuring cryptographic and telecommunications equipment.  A man whose been trained to ignore false allegations of criminal conduct, to push through thoughts of suicidal ideations while defending the rights and liberties of others.  To survive without the internet.  To eat things that would make an Iowa Water Gun Republican puke.  During Operation Enduring Freedom and from 1997 – 2017 his job was to secure US Navy tactical and strategic communications.  To secure the Truth and to defend this democracy period.  Win through the proper implementation and execution of information dominance.  Well, Merritt was the best at telling shitty jokes and talking too much while properly managing and handling classified material produced by the National Security Agency utilized to secure tactical and strategic communications that protect our national security.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “OK, Master Chief, now that you got us all scared to death what do you and the US Navy think I should do about your, pshycho out there?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “Let him go.”

Iowa State Trooper:  “Do what?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess: “For now, defuse the whole situation, defuse him.  Provide a little gap, and let him slip through it, then put out a nationwide A.P.B.  In a couple of weeks, you’ll pick him up at a Star Trek Convention or someplace dressed up like a Klingon and there will be no more public records requests.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “I do my own work.  I don’t figure the best way to do that is to close my eyes and hope Commander Worf shows up at a Star Trek convention.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “Well if you keep sending in your unethical law enforcement officers they’ll keep receiving public records requests.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “You know we are just a small hick state law enforcement department Master Chief, but we are expected to do our duty just like our heroes in the Persian Gulf.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “In the US Navy, we teach our Sailors to represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before us to defend freedom and democracy around the world.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “No shit, I never thought of that.”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “You want a situation you can’t win.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “Are you telling me the entire State of Iowa against your boy is a no-win situation for us?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “If you deploy the entire State of Iowa’s Department of Public Safety, don’t forget one thing.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety:  “What?”

US Navy Chief’s Mess:  “Send someone more qualified than the Idiots Out Wandering Around Merritt has already lawfully dismantled based upon the evidence he has lawfully collected that shows the State of Iowa’s unethical, abusive, discriminatory, and possibly unlawful conduct its leadership executes against its citizens.”

I am a soul with no face and no name that only carries a pen and paper to document the Truth and the Light’s dominance over territory that was once held by darkness.  If and when the State of Iowa manifests the courage to arrest me based upon the sum of its lies and unethical conduct, the State of Iowa will only hold an empty cocoon within its prison industry.  I do not consume coffee and donuts only on Sundays.

The Flaws Within the Soul of the Mass Shooter and the Form of this World’s Magic Feather

The evidence showing the State of Iowa’s lies and unethical handcuffs does not concern me.  My faith in my God, my desire to protect others from what I have experienced, and the pain that I carry inside during every moment of my life blind me to feelings of fear and are what push me through moments of panic.  The light within my soul will radiate and lawfully dismantle the evidence that reveals the darkness beneath the Iowa law enforcement badge carried by the unethical.

If you are lost and damaged by this world, do not pick up a weapon and join the same evil that produced the pain and trauma within your soul.  Rise up, lead this world to a better place than where you found it, and protect others from the pain you feel and carry inside. Rise with faith within your heart and biblical scripture written upon your mind composed long ago on desert sand.  Let go of this world’s crude devices that evil carries in its hand.

Forgiveness and acts that defend the innocent and the least among us while serving Jesus Christ are the only path to finding peace and joy on this Earth. I have lost everything, but it will not stop me from serving and defending others in this life and the next. Helping others find happiness is the only way to find peace within ourselves and escape the inner prisons this world creates for us.

When we serve our Lord Jesus Christ’s mission, the eyes of the blind will behold his vision.

Mass shootings are not the sum of failed 2nd Amendment legislation.  Mass Shootings are the sum of the evidence that shows how we discriminate against, criminalize, and, as a society, treat the damaged and the least among us when they are lost in darkness and reaching out for help, as supported by the evidence showing the form of the Iowa Legislature and many within Iowa’s Law Enforcement.

The Form of the Tunnel of Severe Darkness

The Grinnell, IA Police Department is the only friend I have had since retiring from the United States Navy. I will never forget the kindness and compassion of this law enforcement department. You all are the only friends and support I have had. I will stand watch with the men and women of this State of Iowa law enforcement department at any time upon direction or request.

Since my retirement in 2017, my mind has been lost in the darkness of severe depression, panic, and nightmares, most of which I cannot remember.  I only know I experience them because I feel the same every morning as I do during the few mornings I remember them.  Feeling and processing the malicious and brutal betrayal of those I have served has been a rat-infested tunnel of darkness that I have had to navigate with honor, courage, and commitment.  It was my faith in Jesus Christ and the kindness and honorable acts of Jasper County, IA, Sheriff John Halferty, and the Grinnell, IA, Police Department that have helped me find light and find my way out of this dark place.

I will never be able to fully communicate my gratitude toward these law enforcement officers for being there for me and being a friend during the days when I felt that I had nothing, no one, and no future.

The Form of America and Our Journey to Iowa

This democracy was not created or defended by politicians, those who accept the paradigms built by others, or those who speak loudly while carrying weapons purchased from the Bass Pro Shop to defend their own rights. This democracy was created and is defended by those who have let go of their own lives, hopes, and dreams to serve and defend the lives, liberties, and freedoms of others.

When we have lost everything, the only path forward is to build and manifest something that protects others from the pain we carry within our souls.  Once the honorable have finished their deployment and mission on this Earth given to them by God, they will be reunited with their families in Iowa.


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter