Government Body Transparency in Iowa is Terrible, Very Sad

Mrs. Corkery:

Good morning, Ma’am. I am sending this electronic mail to confirm that you are the City Attorney for the City of Marshalltown, IA. I have a few questions regarding the City’s assertion that a search for four electronic mail addresses and two keywords includes a fee of $397,440.00 in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3 (See:  Attachment). This fee assessment does not include reviewing confidential information per Iowa Code Section 22.7 by the City’s attorney.

If this assessment is accurate given the amount requested, please inform the City of Marshalltown, IA, that I respectfully request a signed and notarized affidavit signed by the Mayor of Marshalltown, IA, as Chief of Police Michael Tupper provided when he communicated a sum of over $50,000 for a similar records request including 48 requested search terms.–10585.pdf

In my life, I have learned that the honorable proudly stand in the Light of Truth because it is the foundation of their faith and beliefs. At the same time, the unethical toss words around, hoping it will buy them some time. I look forward to discovering where the City of Marshalltown, IA, leadership stands regarding this established paradigm.

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. 4In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcomea it.

John 1:1-5 Holy Bible New International Version

A city with Church Street matters not if it does not know its citizens’ feet.

Public DNS records show that the City of Marshalltown, IA utilizes BDH Technologies to store and preserve its digital public records. Faith and Logic have provided a path forward that concludes the truth will be arrived at by sending an identical public records request to other Iowa Government bodies utilizing this commercial information systems provider. At the same time, if these government bodies’ responses provide evidence of a variation in fees from previous requests, it could provide evidence of something far more sinister.

Upon completing my investigation, I will report my findings to the United States Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Iowa Attorney General. The evidence may conclude that this is an interstate issue if evidence of fraud exists and the City of Marshalltown, IA’s electronic mail services utilize any out-of-state DNS hops related to the completion of its government body work and communications.

I respectfully request that it be relayed to Marshalltown, IA, Chief of Police Tupper that if he desires to search my home again based on evidence supporting service-connected mental health-based discrimination, I no longer live in the City of Newton, IA. I am now located in the City of Grinnell, IA. The Grinnell, IA Police Department office staff have my home address.

The Form of the Iowa Public Records Request

Citizen:  I am requesting a search for public records, including four email addresses and two keywords.

State of Iowa:  We are going to perform the best search. Everyone else performs fake searches. No one performs public records searches chosen by God like we do. I talked to God yesterday, and he said he wished he was as good as we are at performing public records searches. I estimate it will cost around $400,000 to find these public records.

Citizen:  But you haven’t completed a keyword search to determine if any records exist on the centralized and consolidated mail server.

State of Iowa:  I know many public records searchers. They are all great people. They are special, very special people. They have told me it would cost $400,000 to find these public records. I trust these public record searchers. Your public records request is a terrible request, very sad. If your life ratings were better, maybe you wouldn’t need these public records. We have the best public records. The best public records that you have ever seen because they were all made in CHINE UH. The other public records searchers you have talked to haven’t been chosen by God, very sad. They are fake public records searchers. All real public record searchers have endorsed me except the public records searcher Iowa Governor Reynolds. Now, Governor Reynolds is the least popular public records searcher in the nation. It could be said her career has ReynoldsWrapped.

Citizen:  Dude, I just need a search for these six search terms.

State of Iowa:  Only six search terms is terrible, very sad. We have to do this records search like we are searching for one million search terms. We must Make this Record Request Great A….

Citizen:  Dude, just forget it…I didn’t want the public records that bad anyway.


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager 

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

Cipher Hunter